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Biblical Faith
Help and Food for Seeking NAC’ers


Excerpts from the posts of the same name by an ex-New Apostolic, from the former guestbook of this website: Help and Food for Seeking NAC’ers

“…a stranger they will not follow, but will flee from him” – John 10:5

If anyone in the New Apostolic Church comes into question about the truth, it is very difficult in the person of the Lord Jesus Himself to know the truth. They are firmly convinced that the NAC apostles are messengers of God and cannot imagine that the so-called ‘apostle way of the end times’ could be a wrong way.

That the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is the way, and with Him all things are given to me, that is the liberating discovery in the letter to the Romans (Rom. 8:32). He is the best Shepherd for my soul, to Him I have surrendered my life as a lost sinner. With that, I have gained everything: His daily care, eternal life, and the preserving love that will bring me safely into heavenly glory.

I wish all seekers of the NAC that they may come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, who reveals Himself in the Bible when one calls on His name, i.e. on Himself in prayer.

The short HuN messages may challenge seeking and deceived souls to prayerfully read the Bible. The Lord Jesus has wonderful ways of revealing Himself through His Word.

He himself promises: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” – John 14:23

Do you love the Lord Jesus?

The Holy Scriptures

Is the Scripture sufficient for a Christian? Does he need the word of the new ‘apostles’?

The apostle Paul was convinced of this: “…the holy scriptures, which are able to instruct thee unto salvation through faith which is in Jesus Christ.” – 2. Tim. 3:15

Thus written to Timothy.

The Bible: God’s Word

In Joh. 20:30-31 one can make a special discovery: “…but these are written, that believing ye might have life in his name.” – John 20:31

The name stands for the person in the Scriptures. Only those who have personal fellowship with the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ also possess this life that is spoken of here.

The Bible is not only a history and future book. It is the abiding and ever-present Word of God. Those who know the Lord Jesus personally also ask Him daily for the information of the Bible, His Word. He tells us, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

Berea Christians

In Acts. 17:11 we read about the Christians in Berea: “…and they examined the Scriptures daily to see if it was so.” Acts 17:11

Examining the preaching of the apostle Paul in Scripture is even called noble by the Holy Spirit (the indirect author of the Bible). The Bible as absolute authority.

Let us become or remain Berean Christians!

Scripture Interpretation

“And beginning at Moses and the prophets, he expounded unto them all things in the scriptures concerning him.” – Luke 24:27

This statement at the end of Luke’s Gospel refers first to the Emmaus disciples. At the beginning of 1 Corinthians, the apostle Paul makes it clear that one can call upon the name of the Lord Jesus, i.e. Himself, in prayer. So you can ask Him to expound the Scriptures to you today as well, personally. It is not necessary to sit ‘carnally’ opposite him as with the Emmaus disciples.

The Lord Jesus still calls out today: “Come to me”.

This may be taken quite personally. In a cult, this personal fellowship with the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ is suspended. The sect leaders interpose themselves and claim that they are called to interpret the Bible for the present time. The apostle Paul knew: “…with Him all things are given to me.” (Rom. 8:32)

Scripture interpretation too!

Salvation is in Christ Alone!

Why is this statement so important, even crucial, to biblical faith? The Lord Jesus says on the cross, “It is finished.” It is not my present condition, my possible unworthiness, that matters for redemption and salvation, but what the Lord Jesus accomplished for me on the cross, upon which rests saving faith. Those who claim that souls still need to be prepared are missing the point of the cross! The Lord Jesus accomplished it on the cross. The wedding dress is snow white! Therefore, “…whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.”

Position and Aondition of the Christian

When this important distinction is not observed, bad false doctrines result.

Position: “It is finished.” “He that liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” The Lord Jesus has earned me this position, regardless of my actions. He has also accomplished it for me, the Christian trusts in that.

Condition: Believe and do according to it in today. This is where daily fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ begins, either in quiet time (personal Bible reading) or in pairs or groups. But this does not require an NAC hierarchy of offices. The Lord Jesus promises His presence wherever people gather to Him and are satisfied with His sole authority. The true Christian has assurance of salvation, because in the Lord Jesus he knows the good Shepherd who brings Him into the Father’s house. New apostles are not necessary for this. It is enough to put all one’s trust in the Lord Jesus alone.

The Living Word

…But I pray also for them which shall believe on me through their word.“ – John 17:20

Whose word is this? According to New Apostolic doctrine, the words of the ‘New Apostles’ are meant. It is obvious, however, that the writers of the NT are meant by this – like the apostle John – who were just present when the Lord Jesus uttered this prayer. The word of the NT writers is living word if you ask the Lord Jesus Himself in prayer to open it.

So: ‘new apostles’ are really superfluous. If the word preached does not agree with the Bible, then you are dealing with false apostles.

Who Am I Following?

“They that look upon him shall be refreshed, and their faces shall not be ashamed.“ – Ps. 34:6

This does not mean a cult leader, but the Lord Jesus Christ. Cultists look to their leaders and follow them. But whoever does not follow the Lord Jesus himself is on the way to eternal damnation. (Math. 7)

Who Am I Obedient to?

“…and when He was finished, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.” (Hebr. 5:9) “…but whosoever is not obedient to the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth upon him.” – John 3:36

To whom do I entrust my life of faith, to whom am I obedient? The answer is eternal-life-decisive! There is only one answer: obey the Lord Jesus alone and trust in His guidance of life through the words of the Scriptures. Those who trust and obey the faith of cult leaders are on the broad road to eternal damnation! Therefore, notice that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished everything for you on the cross of Calvary. He alone is enough!

“…no one comes to the Father except through me.“ – John 14:6

These words of the Lord Jesus Christ are addressed personally to every human being. Especially to those who seek salvation in the New Apostolic Church. Who in the New Apostolic Church can bring you to the Father? Nobody! Therefore, come repenting of your sins to the Lord Jesus Himself this very day. This is godly repentance! The Lord Jesus is waiting for you!

Grace and Apostleship?

Why is the ‘grace and apostleship’ a lie? In Romans 1, the apostle Paul speaks of being given grace and the apostleship. The 5th chapter of the same letter states: “…we have peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom also we have access to this grace“. – Rom. 5:1

So as it was in Col. 2, 9 says: “…in Him dwells all the fullness”. This means the Lord Jesus and Him alone. Therefore: Turn away from false apostles! The Lord Jesus alone has an office of grace! Confess your sins to Him this very day, including your past adherence to false apostles! The Lord Jesus is waiting for you! Now!

Apostle’s Way of the End Times?

‘Apostle’s Way of the End Times’ is a clever deception by the one who can disguise himself as an angel of light. The Lord Jesus Christ says: “I am the way, no one comes to the Father except through me“. Biblical faith trusts in this personal way of salvation, which consists in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Therefore, flee from the false apostles who claim that only through them can you receive the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus Himself can still baptize with His Spirit today. He also calls you: “Come to me”.

Trust in the Lord Jesus

“…he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice. But they will not follow a stranger, but will flee from him.“ – John 10:4-5

Whoever has once truly heard the voice of the Lord Jesus will leave any religious system with unbiblical dogmas, unbiblical offices and proclamations that deviate from the Holy Scriptures. He doesn’t just leave, the Lord Jesus Himself says that He flees.

Who are you following? Do you trust religious leaders who are held in special esteem in your church? Then it is time for you to come to the Lord Jesus Himself. Call on His name, and ask Him to open up the Gospel of John and the entire Bible. Then you will hear His voice and take flight, to Him out of the religious camp. In the religious camp He is called, but in reality His Word, the Bible, is trampled underfoot because men presume to mediate salvation instead of Him.

Trust in the Lord Jesus, He will lead you out and your escape will be miraculous: You are finally saved, have eternal life and a shepherd who will bring you safely to the Father’s house. Blessed is he who knows and has this shepherd.

Forgiveness of Sins / Receiving the Lord

“He that receiveth you receiveth me.”, and “…he that receiveth this child receiveth me.” Who shall be taken in? The sum of the Word, that is, all of Scripture is truth. Whoever ties the reception of the Lord Jesus to an elevated priestly class (= new apostles, and that exclusively) is misusing the Word of God.

It is the same with the forgiveness of sins! “forgive one another, as Christ forgave you.” The apostle Paul makes it unequivocally clear here that the individual and also the church are capable of forgiveness. Those who tie forgiveness of sins to a special office are misusing the Scriptures!

Beloved of God, read the Bible and ask the Lord Jesus Himself to make it clear to you:

1. how to receive the Lord Jesus?
2. How do I come to the forgiveness of my sins?

I trust in Jesus Alone

“…on the cross he bore my guilt. My will belongs to my God, I trust in Jesus alone.” Can this song be sung in your church? If so, is the content also faith and life practice? Those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone have only Him as their forerunner and expect everything from Him in life and death.

I wish you with all my heart that you may hear His voice and place all your trust in Him alone. Then you don’t need religious leaders anymore. Check the Bible to see if those who testify to you as ‘messengers of God’ are really revealing the Lord Jesus of the Bible! For it may be that they have a different Christ and a different gospel!

God’s Words

“…the word that I have spoken shall judge him at the last day”. Here it is not said: Speech or yet will speak. Therefore the words handed down in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, are meant and none else!

My mother has been going to the New Apostolic Church for almost 50 years now (!). Recently she explained to me that she has never read the Bible. She wouldn’t need that either, she would have the ‘messengers of God’. I hope my mother does read the Bible after all. I wish her to understand the words of the Lord Jesus, “no one comes to the Father except through me,” and to entrust her life in time to the Lord Jesus alone.

Salvation in the NAC?

Can people find salvation in the New Apostolic Church? Salvation can only be found in one person, the risen and living Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself. “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me I will not cast out.” “Come unto me” The Lord Jesus is still calling to Himself today! Whoever calls people to a church and there to mediatorial offices is guilty of deception and false doctrine before God! “No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Again and again I would like to point to these words of the Lord Jesus, and wish every NAC’er to take them literally. Come to the Lord Jesus Himself today! He’s waiting for you! You of all people are called!

Call Upon the Name of the Lord

“…that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This probably most famous verse of the NT’s played an important role in my leaving the New Apostolic Church. Hereby I would like to invite the readers of this short message to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to ask Him to reveal biblical faith in Him to you as you read the Bible. Only this biblical faith saves. Whoever trusts in another gospel (Cf. Gal. 1!) stands with those who proclaim it under the curse of God, and belongs to those who will be lost! Only personal faith in the Lord Jesus and personal fellowship with Him saves and gives eternal life, already today!

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